Hi. I am Snorri & I make music that is usually slow and sometimes sad.
I also make film music which can be all kinds of things.
Here you can learn a little bit about me:
see what’s new, what’s old, and even get in touch if you’d like.
One of the most common questions I get asked is why my music
sounds so melancholic or sad, when I seem like a normal, happy person.
Yup, people really ask that. And that’s fair.
The truth is that I have so many ways to express my happy feelings:
I smile, laugh, love, and make too many bad jokes.
But I feel like we are not socially trained, and therefore not as capable
of expressing those other less-happy feelings in equally outwardly ways.
So I guess my music is where I get an outlet for those feelings. I like creating
in the space in-between: where there’s not total bliss, but not complete gloom either.
Because ultimately that is what living life is really like in my limited experience.
Yes, it can be difficult - but there is always hope.
I hope you will find some in my music.
Longer shadows, softer stones
New EP out now on Deutsche Grammophon